Ledger Nano X is a hardware portfolio. It is used to perform transactions and store popular encrypted cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Etherum and other popular altcoins such as Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin and ZCah. It supports more than 1100 cryptocurrencies.
Ledger Nano X was created by the start-up company Ledger. The company was founded in 2014 by eight professionals who have professional experience in embedded security, cryptocurrencies and business. The team brought together the idea of creating secure solutions for blockchain applications. Ledger is headquartered in Paris, Vierton and San Francisco.
Ledger Nano X reviews
The Ledger Nano X with USB connectivity includes firmware-level support for applications associated with various cryptocurrencies. This allows users to send and receive cryptocurrency payments, verify their accounts, and manage multiple addresses for each cryptocurrency from a single device.
Ledger Nano X's two main competitors are wallets Safe a Keepkey.
The safe is the three oldest hardware wallet of these three. It was created around 2014 at Satoshi Lаbѕ, which operates a Slush mining pool.
KeepKey, on the other hand, is a "premium" wallet. It is most comfortable to wear and looks solid to the touch. The main argument against KeepKey is the lack of support for various cryptocurrencies.
What cryptocurrencies does Ledger Nano X support?
Keeping your cryptocurrencies in the Lеdgеr Nano X hardware wallet means keeping them in offline storage. According to the Ledger website, the Nano X wallet supports more than 1,100 cryptocurrencies. The list includes, but is not limited to, the following cryptocurrencies:
- Ark
- Bitcoin
- Bitcoin Gold
- Bsuah
- Dah
- Digest
- Doggy
- Ethereum
- Ethereum Classic
- Expansion
- Hsah
- Komodo
- Litecoin
- PoSW
- Qtum
- Rirrle
- Stealthcoin
- Stellar
- Strati
- Ubiq
- Vertcoin
- Viosoy
- Zcash
- and more..
If you want to find a suitable exchange office for trading in any of the above-mentioned cryptocurrencies, take a look at ours list of cryptocurrency exchanges.
Price Ledger Nano X
According to the official Ledger website, the Ledger Nano X sells for $ 140, but prices may vary from one retailer to another. The Ledger Nano S, the smaller brother of the Nano X, costs $ 70.

Ledger Nano X - Charges
You can choose network charges when starting a transaction, but keep in mind that the amount will affect the speed of your transaction. Users can also choose from three different levels of fees (high, standard and low) for transactions, or their own fee if you are an advanced user.
Ledger Nano X - Safety
While many hardware wallets on the market boast a "simple" chip, all Ledger hardware wallets feature a smart Secure Element chip. This type of chip is used for a highly secure application that protects, for example, biometric data on passports or information on credit cards.
More specifically, the Secure Element chip is a tamper-resistant hardware platform capable of securely hosting applications and storing secret and cryptographic data. In other words, hacking Secure Element chips is extremely difficult and costly, while "simple" chips, even if they contain software protection, require much less effort.

Secure element chips undergo advanced third-party evaluation and certification processes through certification bodies such as Common Criteria and EMVCo, which attest to their resilience and security.
In addition, Ledger has developed its own operating system using Secure Element, called BOLOS - a flexible and open system that allows easy support for many crypto assets. This gives Ledger hardware wallets the ability to offer a unique combination of top security (ѕесurе еlеmеnt) and user comfort (BOLOS), while ensuring that your digital assets are safe even from highly sophisticated attacks.
Ledger's offer also includes the option of purchasing a Cryptosteel capsule for an additional layer of protection. These capsules are designed to be fireproof, waterproof and also to withstand physical damage (the limit of resistance to pressure is up to 150,000 N). This is especially useful for recovering your private keys in case you lose access to your device.
The core of the capsule can be used to securely store the first four letters of each word of your refresh phrase. Because Ledger hardware wallets adhere to BIP 39 standards, this may be sufficient to recover your lost secret phrase. Cryptosteel capsule components include a capsule exterior, an inner core for character tiles, character tiles, separators, and fasteners.

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Easy to use Ledger Nano X
Getting started with crypto assets can look complicated. That's why the Ledger Nano X wallet is designed to be as straightforward and easy to use as possible, while incorporating highly sophisticated security to protect your assets.
The wallet has a simple interface, the use of which does not require extensive technical knowledge. The device also has intuitive controls. Lеdgеr Lіvе, the companion application for Ledgеr Nano X, includes a simple step-by-step process that has been designed to enhance the user experience in an easy and safe way.
Here's how to get started with the Ledger Nano X step-by-step:
- Connect the device to your computer with the supplied USB cable. Visit the site https://ledgerwallet.com/start and select Nano X from the menu to begin configuring your device.
- Follow the instructions on the screen to set your pin. The pin will help protect your device from unwanted access. Make sure you remember the pin, because after three incorrect pin entries, the Ledger Nano X will be deleted. And you really don't care if you have assets stored on the device!
- Write down the 24-word recovery phrase on the recovery sheet and keep it safe.
- Update fіrmwаrе. This process can take up to 15 minutes and Ledger offers detailed and simple instructions on how to do it.
- Install the Ledger applications you need as soon as "Your device is now ready" appears on the screen. Download the Chrome app Lеdgеr Wallet Bіtсоіn or the Chrome app Ledger Wаllеt Ethеrеum.
Ledger Nano X - Anonymous
The main function of the Lеdgеr Nаnо X wallet is to keep your digital assets safe and protect them from attack. This also means that you can store your cryptocurrencies anonymously.
Where can I buy Nano X?
You can purchase a Ledger Nano X hardware wallet in many places. However, it is always safest to purchase your device directly from the manufacturer. If you want to buy your Ledger Nano X, do not hesitate to visit https://shop.ledger.com/products/ledger-nano-x .
If you are considering other hardware wallets, you can look at another manufacturer's model, Ledger Nano Sor on a wallet Safe.
Also read: Safe Wallet Reviews and Where to Buy (2022)
What makes the Ledger Nano X better than the Ledger Nano S?
The Ledger Nano X came with some great improvements. It can support up to 100 applications (depending on their size), has a larger screen that improves usability, and also provides Bluetooth compatibility, which gives you the ability to manage assets using your mobile device.
Is Ledger Nano X safe?
Ledger Nano X is safe. Because this is a cool wallet, all your assets will be stored offline. The device includes a Secure Element (SE) and a unique operating system called BOLOS, which add additional security. What's more, you need to create a PIN and get a 24-word recovery phrase.
What types of cryptocurrency wallets exist?
There are a total of four large types of cryptocurrency wallets - online, hardware, software (applications) and paper. Each of these types of wallets has its own features, advantages and disadvantages, and therefore will be suitable for different types of people. From a security perspective, paper wallets are considered the best alternative, while from a convenience perspective, software and online wallets should be your choice.
What are "hot" and "cold" wallets?
Hot wallets are such components of cryptocurrency storage software that maintain a constant connection to the Internet. In contrast, cold wallets are hardware devices that store your cryptocurrencies offline. From a security perspective, cold wallets are considered the best option - because they are always offline, you don't have to worry about a hacker stealing all your cryptocurrency assets.
Is it worth investing in hardware wallets?
It depends, but in most cases - yes. If you are just starting to trade and invest in cryptocurrencies, your hardware wallet can be a bit exaggerated - it is generally believed that you should purchase hardware wallets once you have a significant amount of cryptocurrencies and want to keep them safe. If you are an active trader, it can also discourage you from doing so - in terms of trading, software and online wallets are much more convenient.
Can you have your cryptocurrencies in two or more wallets at once?
Definitely! It is also part of best practice for storing cryptocurrencies! Most cryptocurrency enthusiasts prefer software and hardware wallets - the first for easy access and trading and the second for secure storage. However, you can also simply use multiple wallets to make sure your assets are safe and secure. This way, if one of your cryptocurrencies is compromised, you will not lose all your assets.