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Kde koupit Bitcoin a kryptoměny – Přehled spolehlivých Bitcoin burz a krypto směnáren

Want to buy Bitcoin? What are the Bitcoin Stock Exchange and Cryptocurrency Exchange? You will find the answers to all these questions here. Buy Bitcoin quickly and easily.

The best Bitcoin cryptocurrency exchanges and exchange offices. Overview, reviews, tips and buy Bitcoin. Whether it is Czech and Slovak exchange offices such as Simplecoin or CcShop, or companies from abroad, including Binance and Coinbase, this section will guide you through the necessary knowledge from A to Z. Buying Bitcoin easily and quickly.

Where to buy Bitcoin in CZ and SK?

Exchange office


Min. deposit




  • Reliability

  • Speed

  • Small fees

260 CZK

cc shop 500x455 1
  • Reliability

  • Speed

  • Lots of currencies

500 CZK

Reliable foreign Bitcoin exchanges and Bitcoin exchange offices 

Exchange / Exchange


Min. deposit




  • Reliability

  • Beginners

  • $ 10 free


  • Reliability

  • Czech crowns

  • Wide selection of currencies


  • Safety

  • Various payments

  • Speed


  • Safety

  • Beginners

  • Big limits

60 EUR

Where to trade Bitcoin through a broker?



Min. deposit



  • Good support

  • Reliability

  • Regulated

$ 200

  • Good support

  • Reliability

  • Regulated

100 USD

  • Good support

  • Reliability

  • Regulated

100 USD

  • Good support

  • Safety

  • Regulated


Note that 66 - 80.6 % smaller investors will experience trading with CFDs. Before you decide to use Similar services, you should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you really are willing to take risks loss of money.


Want to know where to buy Bitcoin or how to buy Bitcoin?

You are in the right place!

The short answer is:

  • Find a Bitcoin exchange or a crypto exchange office
  • Trade in your local currency, for example for Czech crowns, US dollar or euro, for Bitcoins
  • Move your Bitcoins to Safe Bitcoin wallets

For a long answer, read our guide to buying Bitcoins and cryptocurrencies, where you will understand these key points:

  • How and where to buy Bitcoin
  • How to choose the right Bitcoin currency exchange
  • How to secure your coins after purchase
  • How to avoid fraud

Selection of exchanges and exchange offices: Which Bitcoin exchanges and Bitcoin exchange offices are the best?

Before you choose the stock exchange and exchange office itself, you need to have a clear plan of what you intend to do with cryptocurrencies and how much you want to buy.

Important factors to consider:

1. Available pairs of cryptocurrencies

Many exchanges offer only a few cryptocurrencies. NThey are more popular BitcoinEthereum and Litecoin. There are only a few exchange offices that offer a wider range of alternative cryptocurrencies. It is naturally better to have more choice, because you have more options to choose the most interesting one.

2. Liquidity

Liquidity refers to the ease of buying / selling in the market. High liquidity means that there are a large number of buyers / sellers. High liquidity is good because it leads to better pricing and enables faster transactions.

3. Security

The level and type of security mechanisms used by the Exchange are necessary to ensure the security of your coins. Examples of good security practices performed by exchanges include:

and) Cold storage deposit management. This means that your coins are securely hidden offline out of the reach of hackers.
b) Possibility 2-factor authentication (2FA). This increases the security of your account.
C) Email encryption and authentication. A transaction confirmation will be sent to your email account for each transaction.

4. Quality of customer support

Having responsive customer support will save you a lot of time, especially in a rapidly changing environment. Problems in your process of verification, deposits / withdrawals, reflection of funds and trading orders should be resolved quickly by the exchange office.

5. Business fees

Low transaction fees for buying and selling are important, because if you trade often, you could lose a lot of capital on these fees. It is important to look at the fees of your exchange office to see if it is relatively comparable to other exchanges.

6. Easy to use

The user interface of the exchange office should be easy to use to avoid confusion. Controlling the necessary indicators and the ease of navigation through the platform should make it easier for anyone to use the interface.

7. Anonymity

Cryptocurrencies are no longer the Wild West. If you want to invest anonymously, you must invest in small amounts below 20 thousand crowns per week. Therefore, there are three levels of possible anonymization of your purchase.

a) Completely anonymous: You can buy with the help of ATMs, which you will find on the map here. They are in almost every major shopping center and the Czech Republic is proud of their large network.
b) Name and e-mail only: Most exchange offices in the Czech Republic allow you to buy under 25,000 anonymously. However, you still need to send money from an account or credit card. Thanks to this, the shift provider will always know this information.
c) Without anonymity: If you really want to invest large sums, you can't avoid checking your ID card. Be prepared for the fact that large orders take up to several days for the first time.

8. Speed

In the world of cryptocurrencies, speed is important. Choose a payment method based on how fast you want the cryptocurrencies on your wallet. As a rule, the first purchase can be complicated and it pays to think about it. After all, it's about your money. Using a gear is therefore the best choice. However, stock exchanges such as Binance also offer credit card purchases, which are virtually instantaneous.

How to buy Bitcoin and types of payments for Bitcoin

How to buy Bitcoin credit card and cryptocurrency card?

Now you can buy a Bitcoin credit card more easily than ever before. The same goes for cryptocurrencies by card. The only problem remains what the best stock exchange and cryptocurrency exchange office to buy. In this article, we will look at all known legitimate methods how to buy bitcoin and cryptocurrency card.


Buying on a card is easy and anyone can do it. At the same time, cryptocurrencies can be on your wallet within minutes.


Big fees. If you're in no hurry and have patience, buying by bank transfer seems like a much better option. It should also be borne in mind that most operators require authentication when purchasing a credit card.

Options: BinanceCoinbase

How to buy Bitcoin by bank transfer for minimal fees?

How to buy Bitcoin for free? Buy Bitcoin by bank transfer is no science. This is one of the first methods ever used. So they will not buy Bitcoin bank transfer until the next day, because the banks send payments overnight. The transfer of Bitcoin will then take place immediately after confirmation of payment by entering it in the next block and sending it to your address. Coinbase SEPA and Czech Simplecoin can also be used.


The biggest advantage is extremely low fees, which are completely unrivaled compared to other methods. However, be careful, because most Czech exchange offices hide their fees for a worse exchange rate.

Bank transfer is also the only method for buying with a larger amount. The imaginary amount is usually 20,000. If you plan to keep the cryptocurrencies longer, it is definitely worth waiting a few hours.


The disadvantage is slowness. At some exchange offices, it may take up to three days for your order to be processed. If you just want to speculate quickly with the cryptocurrency, you don't have that much time. To expedite your purchase, avoid Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. These days, the bank does not process orders.

Options: SimpleCoinCoinbase + 10 USD BONUSBinance

How to buy Bitcoin via PayPal?

Wondering how to buy Bitcoin via PayPalor do you want to buy other cryptocurrencies through PayPal? Right at the beginning, you need to realize that There is no direct way to buy Bitcoin using PayPal, because Bitcoin transactions are non-refundable. However, there are some indirect ways that users around the world use to buy Bitcoins using PayPal.


The only advantage is that many Czechs have foreign currencies such as the US dollar or the euro on PayPal. In this case, it is advisable to use them if they just lie there.


PayPal prohibits the sale of Bitcoin in its terms of use. The use of third parties to make purchases through this service is therefore a misdemeanor against the agreed terms of service.

Another disadvantage is the huge fees. Often around the whole 12 %. Also keep in mind that many users have their PayPal connected to a credit card or account. Thanks to this, you do not actually use PayPal wallets directly, but your bank. You pay unnecessarily fees that are disproportionately smaller for a classic purchase by card or transfer.

Options: Paxful, LocalBitcoins

Buying Bitcoin and selling it for cash

The most common question for newcomers to the cryptoworld is how to convert your Bitcoin into dollars, euros, pounds, or any other currency. As stubborn as you may be, one day the time will come when you will have to sell a piece of your portfolio and turn it into a little more usable currency. In this article, we will say how to sell bitcoin and realize profits.

The Czech Republic boasts the largest network of kiosks for the purchase and sale of Bitcoin. You can find them all over Prague in almost every metro or shopping center. Other regional cities such as Pilsen, Brno and Pardubice are not behind either. Even the purchase is therefore simple and even a matter of minutes. Here you will find a map Bitcoin vending machines.


If you have time to walk around the city, then shopping through the kiosk is the golden mean. It offers the maximum possible anonymity for a fair price. Fees in the Czech Republic range from 5 to 10%.

The advantage is speed and almost continuous accessibility. Especially when selling, it is useful to have money in hand within a few minutes. There is no need to constantly think about whether a holiday or a weekend is coming. Shopping malls are open 20 hours a day. The purchase of cryptocurrencies will also be made possible by practically every modern newsagent. We have shopping kiosks on display at almost every Relay newsstand.


Some vending machines only offer a purchase. Keep this in mind when watching the map. As a rule, you will find a shopping kiosk in every newsagent's, however, a full-fledged ATM must also stand in a busy place, such as shopping malls, for security reasons.


If you don't need to own Bitcoin anonymously, the 5 - 10 % fee for you can still be quite high. However, anonymity is one of the basic pillars of cryptocurrencies and it is therefore good to at least consider it.

As with conventional ATMs, it is necessary to first check whether everything is as it should be. The machine appears to be fine, there is nothing suspicious about it. Bitcoins sent to the wrong address can no longer be retrieved. Again, keep in mind that you are manipulating your money.

Frequently asked questions

In discussions and on our Facebook page or group you often ask us the same questions. We are happy to answer you and therefore we present detailed answers to the most common questions right here in the article.